The JERAFF publishes original papers on all areas in the fields of agriculture, fisheries and forestry. The scope of this journal includes but not limited to:
- Crop production and protection
- Animal Science
- Agricultural Sciences, including Genetics and Agricultural Biotechnology
- Food processing
- Agricultural development
- Agricultural economics
- Agricultural extension
- Climate change
- Disaster Risk Management
- Aquatic (both freshwater and marine) systems,
- Aquaculture systems and health management,
- Aquatic food resources (freshwater, brackish and marine),
- Aquatic pollution
- Aquaculture feeds and technology
- Fish farming and fish rearing
- Fisheries management
- Sea food processing
- Forest resource conservation
- Forest entomology and pathology
- Forest management
- Forest hydrology
- Forest ecology
- Forest adaptation to climate change
- Tree physiology
- Silviculture
- Urban forestry
- Forest biomass, carbon, and bioenergy
- Wood science and biomaterials
- Wildlife ecology and management
- Environmental science